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Westside - Harp - VIP Ice Glimmer - HandEye Stamp

Westside - Harp - VIP Ice Glimmer - HandEye Stamp

Westside Discs

Regular price $20.42 Sale price $29.17

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VIP Ice Glimmer Harp - Flight Numbers:  4 | 3 | 0 | 3

The Harp is our most reliable approach disc. Designed to withstand any type of condition. It will hold in the wind. For professional players, this could be their only approach disc they will need to carry as it can hold anyone's arm speed and still hyzer. For slower arm speeds, it will be your most overstable approach disc.

About VIP: Super-durable hi-tech plastic with excellent performance. VIP plastic is transparent so you can see through it. Discs made in VIP-plastic maintain their flight characteristics and reliability for a long time. This plastic is suitable to both recreational players and pro players.

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