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Dynamic Discs - EMac Truth - Fuzion Orbit - HandEye July 4th SE DyeMax

Dynamic Discs - EMac Truth - Fuzion Orbit - HandEye July 4th SE DyeMax

Dynamic Discs

Regular price $34.97

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only 2 left in stock

Fuzion Orbit EMac Truth - Flight Numbers:  5 | 5 | 0 | 2

Walt Whitman said, "Whatever satisfies the soul is truth." The EMAC Truth is here to bring satisfaction to your golf game. The Truth had lost its way and wasn't as stable as we wanted it to be. The EMAC Truth sets the record straight. The beautifully neutral and versatile flight of this disc will remind you of the core of disc golf; to throw a disc where you want it to go. Let the EMAC Truth take you back to this satisfying feeling. May the Truth be with you. Signature disc for 2010 World Champion, Eric McCabe.

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Benjamin Furman

Best Mid Range

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